Thursday, September 18, 2008

Breasts, Butts and Controversy

Freddy enjoys watching Sumo Wrestling (hence the "breasts" and "butts" in the title. Not what you were expecting?) and has spent some time over the past year or so enjoying the tournaments and writing articles about the various controversies that have popped up this year. Not to break tradition, the the sumo world came up with a fresh controversy for the fall tournament when three Russian sumo wrestlers were banned (that means fired) from sumo wrestling for life. That is something that has never happened before in the history of sumo wrestling. Why, you ask? They were either in possession of, or tested positive for marijuana use. Not only did this result in the banning of these three wrestlers, but also the demotion of their stable master, and the resignation of the Sumo Association Chairman, Kitanoumi.

If you are wondering what a "stable master" is, then you should check out the project Freddy worked on this summer. Being a growing sumo fan, Freddy has been trying to learn more about the sport. In fact, he has written several articles on the Sumo world in the last year or so

The Sumo Problem and Japanese Sportsmanship
Kotoshu - Sumo's first European Champion
Asashoryu and Hakuho Vent Their Frustrations on One Another

In the process of attempting to learn about sumo and writing these articles, he found that there is very little good info on the sport written in English, so he decided to write up his own Sumo primer and put it up at a site called Squidoo. Freddy is just starting to learn about Squidoo and it's kind of interesting.

Whether you're interested in sumo or not, Freddy invites you to stop by his Sumo Wrestling page at Squidoo and give it a rating, leave a comment, broaden your horizons, etc.

Freddy's Sumo Wrestling Primer

Don't forget to check back in a week or so for another update and visit Freddy's store
Entropic Tees - The Internet's most puzzling t-shirt designs

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

What If Napoleon Dynamite Sketched Pictures of John McCain and Sarah Palin?

Freddy is not usually very political, but like the rest of the country, he is fairly intrigued by Republican, John McCain's VP pick, Sarah Palin. Intrigued and confused. Personally, Freddy thinks that McCain is taking a big gamble with Sarah Palin, but so far the gamble has worked pretty well. Freddy wonders how long it will last. At any rate, not only is Sarah Palin the first female on a Republican presidential ticket, but she is probably also the most attractive VP nominee ever. And the fact that she seems to be slightly "bitchy" just makes her even more so, for some reason. For the record, Freddy was not at all impressed how she ruthlessly acted Obama after he showed restraint and respect by not commenting on her knocked up daughter. Granted, opposing political parties are going to attack each other, but Ms. Palin did so without any acknowledgement whatsoever of Obama's respect for her family's privacy.
Anyhow, as Freddy mentioned, he is not very political and doesn't want to make this a political blog. Still, Freddy could not resist taking up pencil and paper and drawing pictures of John McCain and Sarah Palin. And then proceed to place them on T-shirts. Be warned that Freddy is not much of an artist, so he new his drawing would be of a low quality when he set out to make them. His drawing of Sarah Palin reminded him of the drawing Napoleon Dynamite makes for his crush. Don't you remember? "I spent like 45 minutes on the shading on your upper lip." Or something like that. Anyway, Freddy humbly offers you his 2008 McCain - Palin presidential campaign series t-shirt designs. Are these pro-Republican, pro-McCain, pro-Palin t-shirts? Or are they anti-Republican, anti-McCain, anti-Palin t-shirts? Freddy thinks it's up to you to decide.

Please feel free to visit Freddy's store for many more t-shirts (mostly non-political, but certainly entertaining). Visit the Entropictees Website, or Freddy's online t-shirt store for a lot more fun!
And don't forget to visit again soon to get more EntropicTees updates. And oh yes, please stop by t-shirt countdown to vote for EntropicTees, "Deers is Mammals" t-shirt design!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

This is Just So Weird! (2 things)

Freddy's good friend, HallaMeat used to have a blog called "the Magistrate" where on occasion he would post interesting dreams he had. He called it "The M's Dream TV". Freddy was even able to contribute one time with one of his own strange dreams. Since Freddy's dreams were a bit strange last night, he would like to continue in the magistrate's tradition and post his own "Dream TV".

Why was Arnold Schwarzenegger in Japan? Freddy has no idea, but in his dream, he was. (perhaps he was working on more commercials) Anyhow, for some reason, Freddy and Arnold were also friends, so Arnold invited Freddy to fly back to his house in CA on his private jet. Freddy was glad to get away for a weekend, and he also thought he would have a chance to practice some German with Arnold. Although Freddy's family was not on Arnold's jet with him, when they arrived (and pulled into the driveway, in a private jet) suddenly, Freddy's wife and children were by his side. Upon getting out of the "plane", Freddy noticed that it was nothing more than a Jeep Wrangler with turbine engines attached to the sides and a wing fastened to the roof. (It was literally a Jeep Wrangler, a red one) Weird. It seemed bigger inside. Anyhow, Arnold showed Freddy and his family inside and introduced his wife, Maria and his two children (does he have children?) who turned out to be around the same ages as Freddy's own. The house was nice, but fairly messy and the back yard was actually a horse pasture. The Schwarzeneggers had about 20 horses, it looked like. The whole time Freddy wanted to ask questions about politics, (especially their opinion on Sarah Palin) but thought it was unwise. After all, we'd only just met. So instead of asking about politics, Freddy started talking to Arnold about world economics, in German. He asked Arnold if he realized that Austria (Arnold is from Austria) had the 4th largest economy in the world, after the US, Japan and Germany. Arnold said, "really?" and that was the end of that conversation. A phone rings, Maria answers it, sudden scene change. Now everyone is on a couch and for some reason, Freddy's parents have joined in out of the blue. Freddy only recalls two things from this scene: First, someone was saying, "You should never discuss politics, religion or sex when you're with friends." Secondly, Arnold was talking to his children in Japanese! Where did he learn that? and why is he talking to his children in Japanese? Finally, fast-foward 10 years or so. For some reason the part of Freddy is now being played by Tom Arnold. Freddy's and Arnold's (Schwarzenegger) families have become good friends over the years and visit each other every so often. But Freddy has a slight competitive tendency and feels a need to prove something to Arnold. So on this occasion, Freddy has brought along a small, remote control platform, about two feet by one foot, which rests on wheels. It is meant for carrying luggage, but is rather unstable. Freddy is using the remote to guide it up the walk to the front door, carrying more luggage than it probably should and several bags tumble onto the sidewalk in the process. Still, Freddy (which is now being played by Tom Arnold, don't forget) is hoping to impress the Schwarzeneggers.

And that is as much as Freddy remembers at this point.

The other weird thing that Freddy experienced yesterday might as well have been a dream. It all started with the YouTube video "Charlie Bit My Finger". Actually, that's where it ended. Freddy hadn't seen the original before. He admits, it's pretty cute. Anyway, Freddy found this video first, where a couple of strange TV show hosts interview the family of the "Charlie Bit My Finger" video fame. Here it is:

Now tell Freddy that this isn't extremely weird. What is going on here? Honestly, it is like a screen test out of a Christopher Guest movie or something. Don't you think so? Self absorbed hosts, disinterested guests, awkward moments. What do you do when one of the hosts starts biting the other host's finger? Just sit there and smile perhaps?

There you go. Freddy hopes you have enjoyed a dose of strangeness for the day. If you haven't gotten quite enough, Freddy invites you to stop by his Cafepress store, Entropic Tees, where you can peruse through numerous styles of apparel with Japanese, German, random, weird and even Christopher Guest inspired designs. And don't forget to come back to check for updates soon. (Freddy will soon be doing his best to trash an online company for deceitful business practices. Don't miss it, it should be fun)

Love Freddy.