A way to effortlessly make money on the Internet? Freddy is using the term, "effortlessly" with a few qualifications here. Search all you like, you will probably never find a (legal) way to effortlessly make money on the Internet. Even the illegal ways to make money often require more effort, and are more risky than the legal ways. Still, if you take a certain point of view, some things you may already be doing anyhow could bring in some extra income without requiring you to do any extra work (or very little, at least).
Freddy is talking about Google Adsense. If you are already blogging, it is not that difficult to set up an Adsense account and add a few ads to your page. Just a few on the side, maybe at the bottom (like you see on Freddy's blog, here). Keep adding regular postings to your blogs and if you're lucky, you may start to see to pennies start trickling in. All it took you was a few minutes to set up an Adsense account and adding it to your page.
If you think you're going to start see checks in the mail the first month after setting up Adsense, and starting a blog, you may be disappointed, though. Unless you're blog is very popular, meaning you have a high amount of traffic, those ad clicks will probably be few and far between.
Freddy has been blogging for about a year and a half now. He set up Adsense around February of this year, that's about 10 months ago. Freddy's blogs get steady traffic of around 15 to 20 views a day. Still, only recently has Freddy begun to see an increase in clicks on Adsense ads. It has taken a lot of dedication and patience to get this far.
Freddy would share with you more details about his Adsense statistics, but Google is very strict about following their guidelines, and the slightest infringement can get you banned for life. So Freddy is not allowed to share with you any specifics. Sorry.
At first, Freddy tried to create a blog that would show ads of the type that people are more likely to click on, but he gave up long ago on that. Freddy is not passionate about that kind of thing and did not have the motivation to continue writing posts on issues he wasn't really interested in. That's why it's much better (in Freddy's opinion, at least) to use Adsense as a sort of afterthought to something you're already doing. Creating a website, or a blog just for the purpose of attracting Google Ad clickers is boring, and it might even be against the guidelines set out by Google.
Is Google Adsense effortless? Well, it need not take much effort. One can easily add it to their web page or blog, continue doing what they've been doing all along and there is a good chance you will see some success. On the other hand, you can also put in quite a bit of effort, experimenting with different color schemes, ad formats, ad placement and so on. At any rate, Google Adsense is another legitimate way of making a bit of extra cash on the Internet.
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